Budapest British
International Academy

Vision and Mission

Stepping on the premises of BBIA, you enter an extraordinary place for children. It is a place where all of our energies are dedicated to helping children become their best selves. We purposefully create an environment to meet their needs from early childhood to emerging adolescence.
We are pioneers in providing a leading-edge academic experience, and we are fundamentally committed to helping all of our students become people of strong character.
We intend our school to be one which has a perfect atmosphere in which happy and relaxed children can enjoy their education and fulfil their goals. Our curriculum is designed to be both stimulating and challenging.
Our pupils will respond enthusiastically to the encouragement of our staff, who will introduce them to a life-long love of learning.
We want our school to be lively and full of fun for all our pupils.
We want our pupils to become confident and creative learners with a global mindset. We want them to develop those qualities which will help them wherever they go next – these qualities include respect for others, teamwork, compassion and leadership skills.
Additionally, we want our pupils to appreciate and experience the rich culture of Budapest and to develop a life-long appreciation and enjoyment of the arts.
We believe in the importance of building character, as well as improving academic performance.
We will give our pupils the support and nurturing they need to become global citizens; they will develop respect for themselves, for each other and the environment. Working closely with parents we will develop emotional intelligence and a sense of social justice in all our pupils.
We have three ‘rules’ which we encourage all children and staff to follow:
“Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Each Other, Take Care of the Environment”.
With everybody acting in accordance with those three phrases, we are confident that we will achieve our vision outlined above, and that BBIA will be a school second to none.


We are facing the challenge of preparing our pupils for a rapidly changing and unknown world. We are aware that, assuming that they do not start paid employment until the age of 21, the children whom we are teaching, will not begin working until the year 2033 and possibly not retire until almost the next century! That is the future for which we are preparing them. Who knows what skills and knowledge will be required then. However, of one thing we can be certain and that is that certain values and competences, which can be applied to a wide range of roles and situations, will undoubtedly be required. Values will define a child’s character and competences are a unique combination of skills, attributes and dispositions which will enable children to engage successfully with the world around them. Furthermore, in a rapidly changing world, the competences will provide children with skills which focus on flexibility, creativity and being life-long learners. We live in a world of rapid technological and economic growth and change which potentially renders the acquisition of technical and subject-based knowledge quickly redundant. The competences can be divided as follows:
- Learning and Innovation Skills
These refer to those skills which enable
children to become creative, innovative, flexible life-long learners. - Personal and Social Skills
These refer to those skills which enable children to
become a cohesive, productive and tolerant member of society who is well
prepared for the next stage of their education. - National and Global Citizenship Skills
These refer to those skills which will enable our pupils to become concerned and responsible citizens in their local community and the global, multi-cultural technologically advanced world. - Core Values
The values which we will encourage and develop on our pupils include the following: resilience, respect, empathy, integrity, honesty, care and increasingly important in our multi-cultural society, tolerance.
Acquiring knowledge and learning facts are important and, alongside teaching them, it is these values and competences, outlined above, which we will place at the very centre of our teaching and the heart of our school. In this way we will be preparing our pupils to meet the challenges of successfully and confidently living and working in the unknown and exciting world which lies ahead of them.